You are viewing the version of bio from Nov. 27, 2012, 10:50 a.m. (moderator approved).
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Jean Elder
  • Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator)
Birth date
Birth place
St Arnaud, Vic.
Active Period
  • c.1936 - c.1940
  • c.1915 - c.1940 Melbourne, Vic.
  • Swinburne Technical School, Hawthorn, Vic.
  • English
Initial Record Data Source
  • Black and white artists

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References [<ExternalResource: Morant , HCF (1937), 'Whirlaway: a story of the ages', Hutchison, London, England, UK, illustrations.>, <ExternalResource: Miller, Rosalind, 'The Adventures of Margery Pym', Hutchinson, London, England, UK, n.d. [1940s?], illustrations.>, <ExternalResource: Murphy, Margaret (1995), 'Australian Women Artists and the Illustrated Book', (National Women's Art Exhibition), Baillieu Library, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Niall, p 186.>, <ExternalResource: 'Tall Stories: Being a selection of the stories submitted to 3DB by members of the Tall Story Club', Edgar H. Baillie for United Press.>] [<ExternalResource: Morant , HCF (1937), 'Whirlaway: a story of the ages', Hutchison, London, England, UK, illustrations.>, <ExternalResource: Miller, Rosalind, 'The Adventures of Margery Pym', Hutchinson, London, England, UK, n.d. [1940s?], illustrations.>]