painter, cartoonist, illustrator and designer, is a New Zealander who came to Australia, attended the College of Fine Arts (UNSW) and became a designer for the highly successful design group Mambo. As Reg Mombassa, he has produced several very colourful, surreal and sexy publications (see SLNSW catalogue). A Mambo retrospective was held at Bathurst Regional Art Gallery in 2000. (an apocalyptic Mombassa colour print avaialble there containing numerous Bosch and other art historical references.) Mambo designed the Sydney 2000 Olympic opening ceremony uniforms for the Australian team; the jacket linings featured a Mombassa design. The firm also did the surreal vehicles and shapes that dominated the Olympic Closing Ceremony.

As a painter, O’Doherty is represented by Watters Gallery, Sydney. His work was included in John McDonald’s Federation at the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra in 2001 (and travelling).

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Kerr, Joan
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