You are viewing the version of bio from Sept. 6, 2018, 2:56 p.m. , as edited by Joanna Mendelssohn (moderator approved).
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Professor Joan Kerr
  • Curator
Other Occupation
  • Scholar -
Birth date
Death date

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Date modified Sept. 6, 2018, 2:56 p.m. Sept. 6, 2018, 2:54 p.m.
References [<ExternalResource: A Most Generous Scholar: Joan Kerr, Art and Architectural Historian, LhR Press, 2012>, <ExternalResource: Candice Bruce, Dinah Dysart & Jo Holder eds, A Singular Voice: Essays on Australian art and architecture by Joan Kerr, Power Publications, University of Sydney, 2009 >, <ExternalResource: James Semple Kerr "Joan Kerr: a Pictorial Biography, 1938-2004" >, <ExternalResource: Joan Kerr interviewed by Martin Thomas>] [<ExternalResource: A Most Generous Scholar: Joan Kerr, Art and Architectural Historian, LhR Press, 2012>, <ExternalResource: Candice Bruce, Dinah Dysart & Jo Holder eds, A Singular Voice: Essays on Australian art and architecture by Joan Kerr, Power Publications, University of Sydney, 2009 >, <ExternalResource: James Semple Kerr "Joan Kerr: a Pictorial Biography, 1938-2004" >]