You are viewing the version of bio from Nov. 27, 2012, 11:03 a.m. (moderator approved).
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  • Gibbney, H.J. & Smith, A.G. (1987), 'A Biographical Register 1788 1939’, Canberra.

  • Phipps, J. (1977), 'Portrait of Maria Elizabeth O’Mullane and her children c.1852’, Art Bulletin of Victoria , 18.

  • Theobald, M. (1985), 'Julie Vieusseux: The lady principal and her school’, Lake, M. & Kelly, F. (eds), Double Time: Women in Victoria—150 Years, Melbourne.

Initial data sources

  • The Dictionary of Australian Artists: painters, sketchers, photographers and engravers to 1870

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References [<ExternalResource: Gibbney, H.J. & Smith, A.G. (1987), 'A Biographical Register 1788 1939', Canberra.>, <ExternalResource: Phipps, J. (1977), 'Portrait of Maria Elizabeth O'Mullane and her children c.1852', Art Bulletin of Victoria , 18.>, <ExternalResource: Theobald, M. (1985), 'Julie Vieusseux: The lady principal and her school', Lake, M. & Kelly, F. (eds), Double Time: Women in Victoria--150 Years, Melbourne.>]