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Duterrau, Benjamin, b. 1767
Duterrau arrived in Australia when he was 65. Already an established artist, he produced many Australian 'firsts' including 'The Conciliation' - the first history painting ...
Simpkinson, Francis, b. 1819
Francis Guillemard Simpkinson was a painter, diarist and naval officer. In 1845 at the Hobart Town Art Exhibition, (the first major fine arts exhibition in ...
Snell, Edward, b. 1820
A successful surveyor and engineer as well as a painter and a sketcher, whose move to Australia was significant to his artistic output, beginning with ...
Walker, Mary Augusta, b. 1856
As a portrait painter, Walker trained in Europe at institutions such as the Slade School in London and Colarossi's in Paris. She received commissions from ...
Cole, Chassie, b. 1857
Charlotte Ann Reeve Cole (Chassie) showed an early interest in art and began entering various exhibitions, including Ballarat Juvenile Exhibition of 1878. She won medals ...
Dean, Thomas, b. 1857
Sydney based railway fettler and amateur oil painter with an art career lasting over sixty years. Dean was a regular exhibitor with the (Royal) Art ...
Lister, William Lister, b. 1859
As well as being a prolific landscape artist, Lister was President of the Royal Art Society of NSW and a trustee of the National Art ...
Allport, Curzona Frances Louise, b. 1860
Painter and printmaker in Tasmania. Second daughter of Morton Allport, a Hobart solicitor and well-known amateur photographer. On 12 February 1894, the Mercury stated that ...
Allport, Curzona Frances Louise, b. 1860
Tasmanian born printmaker Curzona Frances Louise (Lily) Allport found success in London, after studying in Paris.
Francis, Caroline, b. 1860
Despite spending a number of years studying painting at the National Gallery School in Melbourne in the late 1880s and early 1890s, Francis was to ...
Rae, Iso, b. 1860
Critics have claimed that expatriate Isobel Rae 'carried her impressionist style too far'. Nevertheless, her paintings possessed a 'rare charm and poetry' combined with 'harmonious ...
Southern, Clara, b. 1860
Clara Southern, painter, studied at the National Gallery of Victoria's Art Schools in 1883-87 under Frederick McCubbin and George Folingsby. Fellow students included Josephine Muntz-Adams, ...
à Beckett, Constance Matilda, b. 1860
Colonial female who painted for distraction, while her family was parodied in her nephew's novels as the product of a nouveau-riche convict father, whose descendants ...
Pitt Morison, George, b. 1861
Melbourne-born painter and curator who associated with Arthur Streeton. In 1890 he went to Paris where he studied at the Academie Julian under Lefébvre and ...
Boyd, Arthur Merric, b. 1862
Arthur Merric Boyd Sr. was the pater familias of a prolific and talented artistic family that is still producing art to the present day.
Colquhoun, Alexander, b. 1862
Federation era Victorian painter and illustrator.
Muntz, Josephine, b. 1862
Painter, residing in Melbourne, she diverged from standard patterns of taste in her use of a sombre palette and free, expressive brushwork. She exhibited internationally, ...
Vale, May, b. 1862
A painter, enameller and art teacher, May Vale was acclaimed for her 'pioneering' work in enamels, which included Australian landscapes and large scale pieces such ...
Hayne, Lousia M., b. 1863
Painter, art teacher and theosophist, she had a daughter with naturopath Don Le Friemann and lived with his wife and daughter in an un-orthodox relationship. ...
Mann, Gother Victor Fyers, b. 1863
Best known for being a long term director of the (then) National Art Gallery of NSW, Mann was also a talented artist and trained architect.