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by Rodriquez, John.
1956 Olympic Arts Festival, Melbourne. Melbourne’s Cultural Olympiad included five significant exhibitions: architecture and sculpture at the University of Melbourne’s Wilson Hall; painting and drawing ...
by Harvey, Anthony John Heriot.
Harvey produced a series of wall sculptures at his Eltham studio using plaster embedded with moulded clay shapes, scrap material and found objects.
Studio view; 20 x 20 x 20 cm (approx.); edition 45 production: Artery Cooperative Ltd (Luke Adams, Hilary Jackman, Jeph Neale, Andrew Sinclair and Peter ...
painted steel
by Ananda, Roy.
Installation at the Samstag Museum
by Thompson, Yve.
An exhibition of works by Tom Borgas (SA), Kristian Glynn (Vic) and Yve Thompson (SA) Abstract: of or relating to the formal aspect of art, ...
by Thring, Cassie.
In Stilled Life, Thring confronts her personal dilemma with the ambiguous nature of taxidermy ‘trophy’ heads, which conflictingly represent achievement and death. Inspired by early ...
by Horne, Anna, Marsh, Claire.
Contrasting ideas of transience, permanence, and transformation can be found in Fabricated Nature. Sculptor Anna Horne and multi-disciplinary artist Claire Marsh present a selection of ...
by Johnson , Anita.
Woollahra Council Chambers 536 New South Head Road, Double Bay, NSW A competitive exhibition of sculpture less than 80cm in dimension. 43 artists
by Johnson , Anita.
THE IMPROBABLE OBJECT Anita Larkin -sculpture 23rd May - 16th June 2012 DEFIANCE GALLERY 47 Enmore Rd Newtown,Sydney