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Sailor, Grace, b. 1939
Yorta Yorta weaver who learnt the craft from Gunditjmara weaver Connie Hart, and participated in the 2006 'Our Mob' Exhibition at the Adelaide Festival Centre.
Roberts, Tjawina, b. 1940
Painter, carver and weaver of the Pitjantjatjara language and cultural group who is based in Irrunytju, where she is also a strong community leader and ...
Trevorrow, Ellen, b. 1955
Ngarrindjeri weaver and educator who has exhibited widely throughout Australia. She regards herself as a 'cultural weaver' and is dedicated to sharing her knowledge of ...
Watson, Nyankulya Eileen, b. 1938
Senior Pitjantjatjara painter and weaver who was born at Palkarli rockhole near Inurantja (Mt Aloysius) in Western Australia.
Woods, Tjayanka, b. 1935
Senior Pitjantjatjara painter, carver and weaver based in Irrunytju whose paintings often depict aspects of the Kutjara Tjukurpa (Two Sister Dreaming).
Koolmatrie, Yvonne, b. 1944
Celebrated Ngarrindjeri weaver, Koolmatrie represented Australia in the 1997 Venice Biennale alongside Judy Watson and Emily Kame Kngwarreye.