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Sproul, Linda
Performance artist seeking the (male) gaze through time and dimension to the death.
Stelarc, , b. 1946
Stelarc is a performance, installation and new media artist who has performed and exhibited in Japan, Europe and the United States. Using medical instruments, prosthetics, ...
Symes, Adrian, b. 1954
NSW-based artist Adrian Symes works across a range of media including painting, drawing, sculpture, performance, video and audio, and murals.
Gill, Tarryn
Perth-based artist whose practice spans photography, film and performance and who has been a frequent collaborator with Pilar Mata Dupont.
Teague, Mary , b. 1971
Mary Teague deciphers objects and materials across painting, sculpture, print-making and performance, exploring relationships between found and created elements.
Costantino, Thea, b. 1980
West Australian artist and academic.
Thompson, Christian, b. 1978
Christian Bumbarra Thompson is a photographer, video and performance artist who also works as a curator and writer.
Tichacek, Monika, b. 1975
Working across performance, video and photography, Monika Tichacek is best known for her 2005 video work 'The Shadowers'. Tichacek won the Anne Landa Award for ...
Burns, Tim, b. 1947
WA based 'context artist' active since early 1970s.
Gregory, Tim, b. 1981
conceptual artist and theorist based in Sydney, NSW. Gregory lectures in Art Theory at the College of Fine Arts, University of NSW.
Gruchy, Tim, b. 1957
Tim was an active participant of the 1980s QLD ARI sector.
Fry, Trevor
performance based video artist whose works deals with abject and excess
Trey, Thelma Thomas, b. 1975
Contemporary Fiji-born, Sydney-based graffiti artist, hip hop/rap performer and recording artist.