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Abbott, John, b. 1803
This sketcher, watercolourist and songwriter became the registrar-general of births, deaths and marriages in Van Diemen's Land in the mid nineteenth century. His watercolours were ...
Akers, Charles Style, b.
English colonial Royal engineer whose watercolours and drawings of Tasmanian scenery belied his frustration at having received such a far-flung posting. He later painted icebergs ...
Allport, Curzon, b. 1837
Sketcher, amateur photographer and solicitor. Son of artist Mary Morton Allport. Allport was the first president of the Tasmanian Photographic, Science and Art Association, elected ...
Allport, Mary Morton, b. 1806
Painter of landscapes, flowers, natural history studies and portrait miniatures. Allport's etchings, engravings and lithographs were the first to have been made by a woman ...
Allport, Morton, b. 1830
Painter and amateur photographer. Allport appears to have made the first photographic expedition to the Lake St Clair region in Tasmania, exhibiting the stereoscopic photographs ...
Archer, William, b. 1820
Although best-known as an architect, William Archer was also a talented botanical artist. He assisted Dr Joseph Hooker at Kew Gardens with the 'Florae Tasmaniae' ...
Baily, Henry Hall, b.
Henry Hall Baily was born in Tasmania but was trained at the London School of Photography in the early 1860s. A professional photographer, he exhibited ...
Barnes, Philip
A resident of Tasmania, Philip Barnes worked as a theatrical designer and teacher. His surviving works are of Launceston subjects.
Beamont, John, b. 1789
A committed public servant, John Beaumont held various positions in Hobart Town with the colonial administration. Only one known surviving sketch exists, which is now ...
Beauchamp, Robert Proctor, b. 1819
Born into a privileged family, Beauchamp married an heiress after travelling between England, New Zealand and Victoria for a number of years. They finally settled ...
Becker, Ludwig, b. 1808
An undervalued member of the fateful Burke and Wills expedition, Ludwig Becker was an accomplished artist and naturalist whose contribution to the expedition has belatedly ...
Berkeley, Martha Maria Snell, b. 1813
England-born resident of Australia's southern states, Berkeley is best known for her large watercolours of Adelaide and as a gifted portraitist. The Art Gallery of ...
Blyth, Eliza
Miss Blyth was a painter and art teacher who exhibited in Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales despite living predominantly in Hobart, Tasmania. Formerly ...
Bock, Alfred, b. 1835
One of the pioneers of early photography in the 19th century along with his stepfather Thomas Bock, Alfred Bock also pursued a number of other ...
Broinowski, Gracius Joseph, b. 1837
Peripatetic artist who produced copious landscape images and sold them off inventively (through art unions). Finally settling down in Sydney, he taught in various private ...
Brooker, Edward W.
A nineteenth-century watercolourist who as a British naval officer spent two periods in Australia.
Bruford, Frederick Horatio, b. 1846
Victorian civil servant and amateur landscape painter. He exhibited at a number of significant venues but was once criticised for painting with "too great a ...
Burgess, Ellen, b. 1821
Daughter of Judge Francis Burgess, Ellen visited Norfolk Island for a few months in 1846 with her father. While there she documented the landscape - ...
Chapman, Thomas Evans, b. 1789
Painter, art teacher, lithographer and public servant in Hobart, Tasmania. Chapman was not only one of early Tasmania's most prolific, competent and detailed sketchers but ...
Clarke, Percy
Widely travelled Colonial era painter, sketcher and author.