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Barker, John, b. 1867
Painter and potter who exhibited with the South Devon Arts Society, British Watercolour Society, West Australian Society of Arts and Perth Society of Artists.
Barker, Leolin Addison, b. 1895
Potter who came to Western Australia in 1922. He was a co-owner of the Narrogin Pottery.
Courtland, Charles Grenville
Potter son of Charles Richard Courtland. He wedged and threw immense weights - up to seventy-five pounds - well in excess of what was recognised ...
Courtland, Charles Richard, b. 1872
Charles Richard Courtland was born in 1872. He was a potter who won a medal at the 'Chamber of Manufactures Exhibition' in Perth in 1906.
Grey-Smith, Guy Edward, b.
Painter and potter who was born in Wagin, WA. He won many prizes between 1955 and 1978.
Hay, Graham
West Australian ceramist and scupltor
Perceval, John, b. 1923
John Perceval had little formal training as an artist, but after he fell ill with polio at the age of 15 he concentrated on painting ...
Thompson, Bevan, b. 1947
Ceramicist and glass maker, Thompson was trained in visual art in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. In 2007 he was a finalist in the Shepparton Regional Gallery ...
Tribe, John E., b. 1904
Tribe was sent to the sanatorium at Wooroloo where he took art therapy under Guy Grey Smith. He won the Claude Hotchin Art Prize twice.