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Aspden, David, b. 1935
The largely self-taught painter, David Aspden, established his reputation in the 1960s by painting lyrically beautiful abstracts. In the context of the time, they were ...
Ball, Sydney, b. 1933
Sydney Ball was one of the first of his generation to look to New York instead of Europe for inspiration. He consistently painted large abstract ...
Hickey, Dale, b. 1937
Melbourne artist whose paintings show an awareness of minimalism, colour field and realism.
Jordan, Col, b. 1935
One of the innovators in hard edge optical painting, who was also an influential teacher of generations of artists.
Oldfield, Alan, b. 1943
Alan Oldfield’s early work was characterised by crisp clean abstract paintings which combined a hedonist sensibility with the austerity of hard edge abstraction. His later ...
Rooney, Robert, b. 1937
In the 1960s Melbourne artist became well known for his lively hard edge abstract paintings which were based on images discovered on cereal packets. Later ...
Shirley, Eric, b. 1919
Eric Shirley was an advertising art director who was involved with the Central Street artists and also exhibited in The Field, 1968.
Watkins, Dick, b. 1937
Sydney-born painter, who occasionally attended art classes in the 1950s. He came under the influence of New York School abstraction and emerged as a major ...