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Eldershaw, John, b. 1892
A painter and poster designer who designed 'Historic Tasmania: Port Arthur' for the Tasmanian Government Tourist Bureau in the 1940s.
Fabian, Erwin, b. 1915
Industrial designer, graphic artist, sculptor and one of the "Dunera Boys" interned in Hay, NSW, during World War II. In 1950 Fabian moved to London ...
Feint, Adrian, b. 1894
Feint was a painter, printmaker, bookplate designer and illustrator who provided illustrations for a range of books and journals and was well-known for his bookplates. ...
Fish, Donald, b. 1929
Fish produced poster designs, logotypes, packaging, TV commercials and illustrations for major clients around the world, including Cadbury's, British Airways, Qantas and TIME Magazine. Founder ...
French, Joy, b. 1917
A graphic artist and teacher who studied at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and the George Bell School. French also exhibited with the Victorian Artists' ...
Fry, Dorothy, b. 1891
Early 20th century Sydney illustrator and cartoonist, Fry worked for a time as a commercial artist, drawing newspaper advertisements as well as cartoons and illustrations ...
Gray, Alistair, b. 1898
Designer of a poster promoting tourism to Canberra in the mid 1950s.
Gye, Harold, b. 1888
Prolific early 20th century Melbourne cartoonist, illustrator, postcard designer and painter. Illustrated C.J. Dennis's 'Songs of a Sentimental Bloke'.
Harrex, David Montague, b. 1929
Late 20th century Hobart painter, graphic artist and art teacher.
Harvey, Anthony John Heriot, b. 1930
Harvey was a designer,sculptor, cartoonist, illustrator, print-maker, map maker and author. He also had an extensive career as an educator in Victoria. Especially noted for ...
Hedstrom, Newton, b. 1914
Late 20th century painter, illustrator and commercial artist. Hedstrom was inaugural member of the Studio of Realist Art and served as its committee member in ...
Hetherington, Norman, b. 1921
Popular late 20th century Sydney Bulletin cartoonist and television puppeteer. Creator of the long-running 'Mr Squiggle and friends'.
Jarret, Dora, b. 1904
Early 20th century Sydney painter, teacher, illustrator, graphic artist and cartoonist.
Jones, Clifford Malcolm, b. 1939
Graphic artist, painter and printmaker, Jones was born and trained as an artist in England. He came to Perth in 1958, where he did finely ...
Koskie, Jack Louis, b. 1914
Koskie was a representational painter and graphic designer. He was the chief designer of the Commonwealth Office of Education (Sydney) Sydney and the Tasmanian Government ...
Lambert, Ron, b. 1923
Designer, did a poster, The Anglers' Paradise: Great Barrier Reef (NLA), for the Queensland Government Tourist Bureau in the 1950s.
Lewers, Margo, b. 1908
Margo Lewers was primarily a painter and an admirer of the Bauhaus movement which she experienced during travels in Germany in 1934. She was initially ...
Long, Olive, b. 1906
Known for her commercial work in England, Long worked mainly as painter after emigrating to Australia. Her work was regularly included in the Archibald Prize.
Mackenzie, Joan, b. 1886
Female designer of Christmas cards who was an active member of the Arts and Craft Society in New South Wales, and associated with Nance Mackenzie's ...
Manley, Frank Davies, b. 1894
Manley was a prolific designer of Australian postage stamps 1929 - 1959.