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Aikenhead, William, b. 1842
An avid amateur photographer and professional journalist. Aikenhead held many public offices and was active in local Tasmanian politics until his death.
Allport, Curzon, b. 1837
Sketcher, amateur photographer and solicitor. Son of artist Mary Morton Allport. Allport was the first president of the Tasmanian Photographic, Science and Art Association, elected ...
Baily, Henry Hall, b.
Henry Hall Baily was born in Tasmania but was trained at the London School of Photography in the early 1860s. A professional photographer, he exhibited ...
Beauchamp, Robert Proctor, b. 1819
Born into a privileged family, Beauchamp married an heiress after travelling between England, New Zealand and Victoria for a number of years. They finally settled ...
Benbow, Anne, b. 1841
Anne Benbow lived her entire life in Oyster Cove, Tasmania, much of it on an old Aboriginal reserve. Despite the fact that many of Benbow's ...
Bock, Alfred, b. 1835
One of the pioneers of early photography in the 19th century along with his stepfather Thomas Bock, Alfred Bock also pursued a number of other ...
Bock, William Rose, b. 1847
William Rose Bock learned engraving and printmaking from his father Thomas Bock and was well-known in Tasmania as a designer of illuminated addresses, crests and ...
Bowring, Emily Stuart, b. 1835
Sketcher Emily Stuart Bowring's known and attributed pencil and watercolour drawings are mainly of places where she lived or visited. Most depict homesteads or their ...
Broinowski, Gracius Joseph, b. 1837
Peripatetic artist who produced copious landscape images and sold them off inventively (through art unions). Finally settling down in Sydney, he taught in various private ...
Bruford, Frederick Horatio, b. 1846
Victorian civil servant and amateur landscape painter. He exhibited at a number of significant venues but was once criticised for painting with "too great a ...
Cawston, William, b. 1828
Professional photographer, framer and gilder. Arrived in Tasmania as a convict and founded the photographic studio Cawston and Sons.
Chuck, Thomas Foster, b. 1826
Professional photographer and entrepreneur born in London. Resident of Melbourne, Ballarat and Daylesford he documented the explorers and early colonists of Victoria. Much of Chuck's ...
Clarke, Percy
Widely travelled Colonial era painter, sketcher and author.
Dunnett, Frank C., b. 1822
Frank C. Dunnett was a painter, lithographer and surveyor. As a chronic asthmatic he was advised to leave Britain and so in about 1856 he ...
Duterrau, Benjamin, b. 1767
Duterrau arrived in Australia when he was 65. Already an established artist, he produced many Australian 'firsts' including 'The Conciliation' - the first history painting ...
Ferris, Thomas D.
A professional photographer who opened a Daguerrean Gallery in Launceston in 1855 and worked later in Melbourne and Bendigo, Victoria.
Fogg, Sarah Ann, b. 1829
Sarah Ann Fogg lived variously in Germany, Italy, South Africa and Tasmania and had many opportunities for studying the great Western works of Europe. It ...
Graves, John Woodcock, b. 1795
A painter and composer, Graves worked in a variety of roles and jobs while living in Tasmania, advertising his various skills that included painting, composing, ...
Hull, Hugh Munro, b. 1818
Hugh Munro Hull was a civil servant and possibly also an amateur photographer. He organised Tasmania's exhibits for several intercolonial and international exhibitions, including the ...
Jefferson, Joseph, b. 1829
Joseph Jefferson was a landscape and scene-painter and an actor. He was born in 1829 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Jefferson made his stage debut when he ...