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Boultbee, John, b. 1799
Leading a peripatetic life, John Boultbee frequented a number of British 19th century outposts throughout his travels, including Australia and kept a journal of his ...
Duterrau, Benjamin, b. 1767
Duterrau arrived in Australia when he was 65. Already an established artist, he produced many Australian 'firsts' including 'The Conciliation' - the first history painting ...
Evans, George William, b. 1780
Although primarily known as an explorer and surveyor, G.W. Evans's artistic efforts have considerable merit. His topographical vistas of Hobart Town, Parramatta and Sydney Harbour ...
Florance, Thomas, b. 1785
A sketcher and surveyor who served in the American War of 1812 and lived for many years in New Zealand. Most of his drawings would ...
Jorgenson, Jorgen, b. 1780
Colonial-era sketcher, painter, naval officer, and author, among other things, he lived in Van Diemen's Land variously as a convict and a free man. He ...
Macarthur, James, b. 1813
Male colonial artist of the famous Macarthur family whose only known pictures are of Victorian landscapes, despite living in Tasmania and New South Wales.