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Ludlow, Charles, b. 1923
Ludlow, despite his original career with Queensland Telecom, worked as a self-taught watercolourist, later undertaking formal art training at the Central Technical College, Brisbane. He ...
Angus, Max, b. 1914
Angus is recognised as both a painter and poster artist, whose travel posters were exhibited in 'Follow the Sun: Australian Travel Posters 1930s-1950s' at the ...
Belobrajdic, Tony , b. 1958
Belobrajdic works in oils, watercolours and etching. He started exhibiting in late seventies and had his first solo show in 1983 in Croatia. Toni relocated ...
Cantle, John Mitchell, b. 1849
Late colonial era ornithological painter, illustrator, cartoonist and postcard designer. One major catalogued private collection of Cantle's ornithological paintings exists, the works each annotated and ...
Gibbons, Geoff, b. 1947
Geoff Gibbons is a printmaker & painter, arts educator and art historian in South Australia. He has also taught at the Adelaide Central School of ...