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Ben-Ary, Guy, b. 1967
Guy Ben-Ary is an artist and a researcher whose work uses emerging medias and in particular biologically related technologies (tissue culture, tissue engineering, electrophysiology and ...
Bunt, Stuart
Stuart Bunt is an artist and scientist based in Perth who works in the area of biological technologies. He co-founded the Art/Science research lab SymbioticA ...
Cass, Gary, b. 1966
Scientist and artist who has collaborated on several projects exploring the body and biological technologies.
Franklin, Donna
Perth-based artist who explores the interface between technology and the natural world and has created textile works out of living organisms such as fungi.
Zurr, Ionat, b.
Perth-based artist, researcher and curator whose practice has focused upon biological technologies. Co-founder of The Tissue Culture & Art Project.
Tissue Culture & Art Project
An artistic research and laboratory project established by Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr to explore tissue cultures and tissue engineering.