
  • Erickson, Dorothy (2000), 'Art and Design in Western Australia: Part 1’, Australiana 22/1, February, pp. 10-17.

  • Gooding, Janda (1984), 'Margaret Forrest: Wildflowers of Western Australia’, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, WA.

  • Muir, Alison and Muir, Dinee (1982), 'Forrest Family: Pioneers of Western Australia 1842-1982’, Australind, WA.

  • Gooding, Janda (1991), 'Wildflowers in Art: Artists Impressions of Western Australian Wildflowers 1699-1991’, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, WA.

See also

  • 'Heritage: section 7, plate 285'.

Initial data sources

  • Heritage: The National Women's Art Book