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Shelley has been a practicing artist since completing her BFA from Canterbury University. She has worked as an arts educator and researcher at Deakin University for the past ten years. Her first job with Deakin University was within the Institute of Koori Education. Seven years ago, she moved to the School of Education in the Faculty of arts and education. She is based at the Geelong campus, Campus Chair for arts education at Warrnambool and coordinator for the BA Education Major. As a practicing artist and community artist, she has worked closely with various community groups and schools in the Geelong region managing the Artists in the Gardens large outdoor sculpture exhibition at the Geelong Botanic Gardens 2004-2005 and the community sculpture project Story Vessels for the Connecting Identities Project. In 2014 she received a Warrnambool Partnerships Grant by the Faculty of Arts and Education to build a support network for art teachers. This enabled her to gather art and media teachers together from schools in the Warrnambool region, to share ideas and resources. In the past few years she has drawn on her community and education work and experiences, to develop partnerships with school communities in Geelong and Melbourne to develop research in the field of art education, well being in education and STEAM (the combination of art science, technology adn Math education).


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