
  • anon (1 January 1948), '“Bent Wood Furniture.”’.

  • Steven Kalmar (1964), 'You and Your Home’, Australia.

  • Anne Watson (1 January 2004), '“Kafka and Kalmar.”’.

  • Stephen Kalmar (1 January 1960), '“Modern Hotel Design Ideas.”’.

  • Illustrated advertisement for Kalmar Interiors, 17 Rowe Street, Sydney in “Art and Design One:, Ure Smith, 1949, p.78

  • “Industrial Art in Australia. Seven Designers.” Architecture, October 1948, p.55 [Illustrated] incl. Gordon Andrews, George Korody, Allan Lowe, James Linton, Steven Kalmar, Frances Burke, John Richards, Dorothy Buchanan, 226 exhibits.

  • Rebecca Hawcroft, “From the Margins to the Mainstream” in R. Hawcroft, Ed., The Other Moderns, UNSW Press, 2017, pp.165-190.