From 1863 to 1869 Theodor Muller (Mueller) of Tanunda advertised, in German, in the South Australian newspapers Sud Australische Zeititung and the Australische Deutsche Zeitung.

In January 1863 Muller offered portraits of the late Pastor Meyer for sale, copies on paper for 3s each, on glass 7s 6d. Six months later he informed the public that he was bookbinder as well as photographer, and now residing at the home of Mr Schuett, opposite the Tanunda Mill.

By April 1864 Muller was making cartes de visite for 12s 6d per half-dozen, and advised intending customers to take advantage of the prevailing good weather, adding that ‘direct sunlight is not absolutely necessary’. In less than a year Muller had dropped the price of cartes to 10s for a full dozen, advertising that ‘through the acquisition of an outstanding apparatus and as the result of a thorough and indefatigable study of photography in the latest photographic journals’, he was able to produce photographs equal to the best in Adelaide.

On 2 November 1865 the Register reported receiving photographs sent by Dr Muecke of Tanunda to illustrate his letters on ‘Root Blight in Cereals’ and ‘The South Australian Corn Disease’. The Register said, ‘The photographs bear the stamp of Herr Muller, Tanunda, and their distinctness certainly reflects much credit on his atelier’. Engravings made from Muller’s photographs of Muecke’s illustrations were published in the Illustrated Melbourne Post.

In January 1867 Muller was producing 6 × 4 inch photographs of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Expedition for 2s 6d each, with a free extra copy for every dozen ordered. As well as producing the usual carte de visite and glass portraits Muller said he had acquired a ‘large new apparatus’ to make 10-inch sized photographs, ‘especially beautiful large bust portraits which measure up to all expectations’.

Although Theodor Muller was listed as being at Tanunda in the directory for 1869, he advertised on 2 April that year that he was transferring his business to Marrabel for an ‘unspecified length of time’.

Text taken from:
Noye, R.J. (2007) Dictionary of South Australian Photography 1845-1915, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide. CD-ROM, p.211.


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